Archdiocese of Toronto Stewardship Parishes Resource Page

“Our parishes are spiritual homes for the faithful, where we meet one another to encounter Christ...Each of us needs to be fully engaged as a disciple of Jesus, grateful for what we have received from God, and eager to share it creatively and responsibly. This is the spirit of deep stewardship." (Archdiocese of Toronto Pastoral Plan)

Cardinal Collins’ Pastoral Letter and Foundational Videos

Link here for the Archdiocese of Toronto’s Stewardship Micro-site, including Cardinal Collins’ pastoral letter

Here are links to the videos that were shown during the Stewardship Formation Day:

Cardinal Collins' message. The password is archtoronto

Fr. John Lanzrath: Blessing    Discipleship    

Fr. Jan Schmidt: One Pastor's Experience. The password is Stewardship

Growing Young: How stewardship may evangelize young people

The Engaging and Evangelizing Community


Spiritual Focus: In his pastoral letter, Cardinal Collins says, “Each of us spends a brief time in this life, preparing for our eternal life with God. While we are here, we receive everything from God, even life itself, and are asked to make good use of what God has entrusted to us. We are invited by God to be good stewards of his gifts. It is no wonder that the idea of stewardship plays such a central role in the life of the faith.” 

In what ways do you find the message of stewardship life-changing? How does stewardship help you put faith into practice in your daily life?

Operational Focus: What within the life of your parish do you already know you can build on for your future stewardship plans?

Slide PDFs


Documents and Resources

Click on the links for the slide PDFs:

Scriptural Texts - a sampling Stewardship in Sacred Scripture slide PDF

Finding a Good Fit in Ministry outline Plan Sample

Also note samples, bulletin inserts, and small group processes on the resources tab of this website.

Click here for the Parish Leader meeting plan.

The Bible Speaks on Stewardship: a Scripture Study    Session 1    Session 2    Session 3    Session 4

Impact: a monthly resource for discipleship and stewardship formation (password is Impact201718)