Transform Your Community

When parishes and dioceses form parishioners as disciples who live as good stewards, the faith community is transformed.  Leaders often need help in discerning which steps to take and how to proceed in order to foster this spiritual way of life. This is where the Grateful Disciples Mentoring comes in. 

Three mentoring options are offered:

  • Virtual Masterclass cohort: Six monthly web sessionss, working step-by-step toward an annual stewardship plan. Diocesan cohorts with multiple parish teams, or parish cohorts with participants spanning various dioceses are possible. See Masterclass details below.

  • Videos on each topic with two coaching sessions with Leisa Anslinger, one at the midpoint of the process and another as you create your plan to form grateful disciples.

  • 1:1 Mentoring for experienced stewardship leaders.

Masterclass participants meet monthly for six months, working through the Grateful Disciples process. Ideally, parish stewardship or leadership teams will experience the Masterclass together. The team will be equipped to explore, study, and create a plan for starting or sustaining stewardship formation within the parish.

Masterclass session topics include: 

  • The Vision: Forming Stewards in Community

  • Lead Grateful Disciples

  • Form Disciples as Stewards

  • Welcome and Engage Everyone

  • Renewal and Accountability

  • Plan to Form Stewards in Your Community

All participants should have copies of the Grateful Disciples workbook. Books will be offered to participants at a very special discounted rate (only available with the Masterclass). Masterclass size is kept intentionally small. Register now via the button on this page in order to insure your place in the first Masterclass cohort.