Foundational Stewardship Materials
These materials are offered on a complimentary basis to enhance stewardship education and formation in your diocese or parish. Click on the links below to download the files, shared as a service to you.
The Disciple as Steward and Steward Saints for Every Day
The Disciple as Steward, Sharon Hueckel's six-session small group study of the Stewardship Pastoral, Stewardship: A Disciple's Response, has formed a generation of stewardship leaders and group participants. Download the Disciple as Steward in English, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, and Chinese by clicking on the button below.
Sharon's Steward Saints for Every Day provides a reflection on a saint for each day of the year, with insightful stewardship connections to their lives and witness.
Click on the button below to download the PDF files for Sharon's resources.
Essential Themes in Stewardship Bulletin Flyers
This series of bulletin flyers offer a first-person story or example, theological foundations, and ideas for practical application of essential themes in stewardship. Click on the links below to download the flyers.
For more in this series, subscribe to Impact+ here or register for Renewing Evangelization through Stewardship here.
Sample Impact -- a monthly subscription resource to help you form your people as disciples who grow as good stewards.
The ICSC, Stewardship Prayers and Key Themes of Stewardship
To become a good steward is to place one's life in the hands of God, to recognize God's grace in the midst of daily life, and to respond by sharing our lives, faith and resources with others. Prayer is necessary for this conversion. The International Catholic Stewardship Council is your organization for stewardship formation, education, and support. The ICSC's website always includes a monthly prayer on its homepage, as well as an annual conference, monthly e-news, peer-to-peer shared resources, and publications.
It is important to develop a common way of speaking about stewardship and the many aspects of stewardship education and formation. Click here to download a document aimed at such unifying language for key themes of stewardship, with brief definitions, related Scripture passages, and quotes from the stewardship pastoral letter.