The samples found on this page come primarily from Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Cincinnati, Ohio, Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Parish Stewardship Award recipient. In the future, additional samples will be added from other parishes. If you have something you would like to share, perhaps a bulletin article that received special notice by parishioners, a website link, or lay witness video, consider sharing it here.
Parish Commission System Organization
Archbishop Murphy Award Presentation PowerPoint
Stewardship Renewal Covenant Process
These stewardship renewal materials incorporate elements of the process of building engagement, inviting parishioners to enter into a covenant with one another as members of Christ's Body.
Covenant sample 1:This piece grew out of a growing sense of the importance of belonging, of clarifying expectations and of our ongoing commitment to place before one another the call to be good stewards.
Covenant sample 2: This piece added the dimension of a covenant, building upon our relationship with one another in Christ, and our call to serve as stewards in all of the many facets of our lives.