September 2023

What has hold of you? Let it go

Does something have hold of you? Perhaps the desire for possessions drives you; maybe it is the need for security; perhaps you hold onto your relationships with people  too closely, or think far too much of yourself. It is easy to find ourselves holding on too tightly to something or someone. We may find comfort in it for a while, but realize in time that it is fleeting. Jesus has a different vision for our lives. When we cling to things, people, or self-reliance, we lose the beauty of God’s vision for us and for all of creation. In holding tight to what we think we want, we lose the possibility of  a greater, more profound, deeply meaningful way of life.

Separate your wants from your needs

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about what we want. We dream of a new house, better car, career success, or a life of unbridled happiness. These wants may be worthy goals for a life that is centered in God and rooted in faith. But often, the wants stem from misplaced priorities, putting possessions or the desire for control before our relationship with Christ and all that we are called to be and to do as Christian disciples.  Jesus invites us to let go of this want-driven life, to instead embrace his way of self-giving love. When we separate our wants from our needs, what is most important comes into focus. Life is simpler, more purposeful and filled with joy.

What do you own, and what owns you?

The late Archbishop Thomas Murphy recalled a moment in which he was preparing for serious surgery. In his reflection, he asked himself, “What do I own, and what owns me?”

Archbishop Murphy had a dramatic insight at a pivotal point in this life. “I know that my whole understanding and appreciation of the gifts and resources I possess took on new meaning. It is amazing how a divine economy of life and heath provides a unique perspective of what really matters.” What really matters for you? Jesus asks us to find meaning in a life that is centered in love, forgiveness, mercy, trust, and compassion.

Take a step

Throughout his ministry and ultimately on the cross, Jesus showed us that true security and meaning lie in letting go, in living for God and others. As followers of Jesus Christ, we find that the things the world holds out in front of us as markers of success often lack meaning and ultimately distract us from what really matters. We will find true happiness by losing ourselves to the loving, merciful will of God. We will gain a new and enriching perspective when we see that all we are, have, and will be are gifts from God, to be nurtured and shared out of gratitude for all that we have been given.