Each of us has only so many hours in a day, and we do not know when our last day on earth will be. We make many choices in the course of our days and weeks, months and years. How will we use our time? What needs our attention? Who needs our presence and care? We may build something that matters, or waste the opportunities we have in favor of passing things. Through our decisions and actions, we build a life, the total sum of all that we are and do.
Jesus shows us that there is more to life than the focus on ourselves and those closest to us that often consumes our time and attention. That life that you’re building? Make it about more than your narrow concerns. Let yourself build something that has much greater impact. In the second reading for May 7, St. Peter says, “like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (1 Pet 2: 4-5) What we build and how we build it is an expression of what is most important to us.
When we turn to Christ, the living stone, our priorities change. In faith, we grow in a desire to give for the sake of others, to sacrifice beyond what we think we can, trusting that God will take our offering and build something wonderful. In the words of Blessed Theresa Gerhardinger, God’s cause becomes the only concern of our hearts. Christ calls us to build up the reign of God through our actions and interactions, in what we say and what we do. We may choose to give our time and resources to help others build a better life. We may contribute to parish ministries and Church initiatives to serve the poor, promote peace and advocate for justice. If we pour ourselves out, our hearts will be filled. If we resolve to build the reign of God, the reign of selfishness, material wealth, and need for security dissolve into the promise of a brighter tomorrow. We have but one life in which to make a difference. Build something for lasting impact.