Leadership matters.
Here at Catholic Life and Faith, we form parish leaders to carry out their roles, formal and informal, within their faith community. Leader development begins when those who serve within our parishes see and understand themselves as leaders; it continues as leaders are theologically formed and are provided the skills necessary to fulfill their roles and responsibilities. Listed below are a few of the many leadership development and formation opportunities we offer to diocesan and parish leaders. Contact us here to explore opportunities for your diocese or parish.
Living Your Strengths and Strengths Based Leadership days, weekends, retreats, and consulting
The impact of people discovering their talents and building strengths cannot be understated. Parishes and people are transformed; the faith community comes to life when people know that everyone is of value in the parish and have the opportunity to fully contribute to the life of the parish by contributing their greatest talents and their passionate service. Strengths development is a beginning point for this vital and life-changing process. Our leadership opportunities provide in-depth foundational understanding, talent exploration and strengths development and guidance for those ready to bring strengths to their parishes in order to develop and sustain fully participative parish culture.
Parish Engagement introductions, in-depth development and ME25 Impact and consulting
Gallup research demonstrates that when people have a deep sense of belonging within their parish, they are dramatically more likely to be spiritually committed. It is imperative that we form leaders to guide and shape their parish community in order to more fully engage members. We are ready to form leaders for their role in this process, whether through parish leader workshops or retreats, or following a Gallup Member Engagement survey through which parish engagement is measured and shaped.
The Bridges Leadership Series
The Bridges Leadership Series forms leaders to build a more engaging and evangelizing community through specific, proven steps. See the dedicated Bridges website for more information, to schedule a Bridges workshop or retreat, or to order Bridges workbooks.
Re-Shaping AFF: Adult Spirituality and Faith Formation
The evidence is clear. The number of adults, many of them under the age of 25, moving from one church to another or to the ranks of the unaffiliated is steadily increasing. Most of them report that their spiritual needs were not being met in their parish. Yet the majority of Catholic share that religion is an important aspect of their lives. Explore how re-shaping adult spirituality and faith formation and making it a priority is key to engaging adults in faith and in the parish.
Team Ministry Formation for the Engaging and Evangelizing Community
This multi-session training may be offered live or virtually and includes segments on Bridges, Engagement, Strengths Development, Strengths Based Leadership, and Key Themes in Pastoral Leadership.