Is your parish ready to grow young?
What do parishes that intentionally engage their young people have in common? What can we learn from their experience? These are the questions that were asked in a qualitative study led by a team at the Fuller Youth Institute. By sifting through over 10,000 pages of survey, interview, and in-person visit transcripts, the people at FYI have identified six core commitments your parish can make to better involve and retain young people.
Leisa Anslinger has been trained to help you delve into the study findings and implications for Catholic parishes and apply them to the life of your faith community through an interactive process with other leaders. Contact Leisa here to explore possibilities for a diocesan event in the coming year.
Click here for the slide PDF of Leisa’s recent deep dive workshop at the NCCYM. Click here for the overview handout. Click here for the synthesis handout. Click here for a brief video walk-through of the Growing Young study with connections to stewardship and discipleship in parish life.